New or Replacement Cushion Fabric Covers for My Wicker Outdoor Furniture

Simon from My Wicker Outdoor Furniture gives a brief outline of My Wicker Settings new OR replacement cushion covers / fabric sets, as many of our happy clientele ask for them! We are happy to announce that we can now offer replacement fabric sets for your existing My Wicker sofa or dining setting chair cushions. Our outdoor lounge sofa cushions come in two sizes/ shapes for the same pads: 1.The large rectangular sets cushions, one of which is 125 long cm x 75 cm wide , with the matching backrest cushion cover, which is 125 cm with a 30 cm height. 2. The square sets cushion pads, one of which is 75 cm x 75 cm cushion cover,  with a matching 75 cm x 30 cm height backrest cushion cover. 3. All our sofa cushion covers are for cushions that are 10 cm in depth/ thickness-  and they do come in four different fabric colours. ie grey-brown, charcoal grey, cream and of course our exclusive black and white stripes! NOTE: All My Wicker cushion fabric covers can be washed easily-  you just zip them on, zip them off. So, you can easily remove the foam insert of your cushion and put the fabric cover in a gentle machine wash in cold water (never hot!)  –  and then just hang them out to dry. Our fabric cushion covers/ replacement sets can be ordered via our website. We have also written more about our cushions, covers and other seasonal ‘revamps’ and home updates to think about in our Blog! Please NOTE: IF you have purchased your outdoor setting from someone or somewhere else, it’s most likely that My Wicker fabric sets will NOT fit your cushions, as My Wicker Furniture covers are a unique size. Sorry!   If you are unsure about what to order, you can contact us call us on 1300 886 541 and we can assist over the phone! Thank you.